Monday, June 22


I so frequently come across people who ask me, okay you read this novel. So how is it? What did you learn from it? Or what was the story? And I am usually left blank. I mean, I read a few novels from time to time. But is it so necessary to learn, or form an opinion.

Can we not simply read for enjoyment, because I liked what I was reading. I usually end up reading novels quite fast. But even then, many a times..right by the time I am finished with the novel. I can hardly recall the details of the formative parts of the story. Is it this bad?


  1. No, Never...Coz I belong to the same category!

  2. well... in my opinion, yes it is a litte bad. If you dont even remember the novel by the time you end it... I think you are just killing time and nothing else. If this is what you want then fine, but books can be so much more than that and since you already read, you might as well get something out of it. :-)

  3. @Raaji: Now, when you put it out that really sounds, i am doing an insult to the book itself. i will try and mend my ways. thanks.


Zingers of Opinion..

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